We are Manuyoo

The background

Trade between EU countries and African countries is extremely unbalanced. A good 70 percent of EU exports to Africa are industrial goods. In contrast, industrial goods account for only seven percent of EU imports from African countries. More than 65 percent of EU goods imported from Africa are unprocessed commodities – goods such as petroleum, metal ores and cocoa beans.

One continent – ​​55 countries

Africa - 30.2 million square kilometers, 22 percent of the Earth's surface. Africa – home to 1.3 billion people. Africa – second largest continent after Asia. Africa - home of modern man, Homo sapiens. Africa – 55 countries with people of different languages, religions, cultures. Africa – 55 countries with heterogeneous economic structures, state systems, differences in infrastructure and level of education. Africa – continent of diversity.


Manuyoo team

A Berlin company with a radically new approach to relations with Africa. We don't rely on aid to push development on the African continent. We focus on trade.

MANUYOO sells exciting young brands and products from all 55 African countries. Running shoes from Kenya, liquor from Benin, designer fashion from South Africa, gin from Angola. Products that cannot be found in any one-world store. Products far from the usual Africa clichés.


MANUYOO thus fills a gap in the market. We bring a new lifestyle - and show what 'Made in Africa' means today. We present and sell our products in our online department store and frequently also in pop-up stores.

But MANYUOO is more than an attractive new marketplace for unique brands and products. MANYUOO is also the connection to their manufacturers: We know each of our suppliers personally.

How it works? Because we network in the individual countries to discover new products. We also work with local industry insiders, trendsetters and influencers who source unique products for MANUYOO.


What drives us at MANUYOO? We want to bring about a paradigm shift in relations with Africa. For us, Africa is a continent of new beginnings, innovation and opportunities. A continent with courageous, imaginative, committed entrepreneurs. We want to trade with them on an equal footing. Fair, transparent, holistic.

Because we think that classic development aid has long had its day. Because we see it as our responsibility to make the world a little fairer.


We want to balance this imbalance with MANUYOO. We want to make it easier for African manufacturers to access the European market, which is difficult, and present their products in an attractive way. We are partners for the entire value chain: from ensuring EU standards for imports, handling customs and logistics, quality assurance to presentation and marketing here in Germany. Trade instead of help, that's MANUYOO's motto. We act entrepreneurially. We use our profits to maximize our impact - and thus boost economies and development in African countries.


MANUYOO is more than an innovative marketplace. MANUYOO not only has exciting brands - we also have the stories about the brands.

We publish our stories about the manufacturers and their products in MANUYOO magazine. Reports we have researched ourselves, excellently written, visually elaborately staged - a high-quality print product in coffee-table quality.

We use all digital channels with the content of the magazine. We use Instagram for product PR and as a sales platform. LinkedIn is our platform for national and global networking in politics and business. We communicate with customers and manufacturers on Facebook.

The MANUYOO blog plays the central role in communication and marketing: news about our products, reports from our travels, interviews with manufacturers and designers - we blog on our website about everything that moves and concerns us at the moment. In texts, pictures and videos - and soon in a separate podcast series.

With the unusual combination of online shopping, real experience shopping in the pop-up store and a multimedia offer, MANUYOO is pursuing an innovative business model. Behind everything is our own claim: creating transparency and establishing trust - in the relationships with our customers and in the relationships with our business partners.

Andre Black

Andy is a real go-getter. Is something stuck somewhere? Andy is guaranteed to be there first, rolling up his sleeves and not letting up until the problem is solved. If he is diligently supplied with coffee and Miyonga's aromatic mangoes, he can complete 1000 tasks in one day. In his free time he likes to take care of his palm trees. Andy lives near Berlin with his wife, child and dog. He takes care of the logistics at Manuyoo.

Alexandra Ngandeu

For us, Alex is the true definition of "new work". She is the one who inspires new ways of thinking and behaving at Manuyoo. Thanks to her, difficulties quickly become solutions. As a reward, she likes to present team trophies and motivates us every day with a beaming smile! Alex lives with her husband and her
three adult children near Berlin. She's not superwoman but finds time for finances and shopping at Manuyoo.

Bianca Reichelt

Bianca is an early riser. While the others are still asleep, she uses the time to think strategically and be creative for Manuyoo. Her hidden talent is juggling a soccer ball with one foot up to a hundred times. This talent helps her to take care of her husband and three children while working, to learn Vogtland and to sharpen communication at Manuyoo.

Denise Meißner

Denise is our super woman who is always in a good mood and is always ready for fun. She always keeps the team on their toes because she never rests. Once she sets a goal, she implements it immediately. She likes to eat chocolate from 57'Chocolate and likes to go walking and jogging. Denise lives in Berlin with her husband and daughter and is responsible for sales and social media.

dr Jan Marc Lischka

Jan is our all-rounder - he can
come straight from an interview and pack parcels in no time with great attention to detail, send letters and at the same time take a moment to prepare a Manuyoo pitch. He's always there when you need him and doesn't leave anyone out in the cold. He likes to stand by the fire in his cooking apron and enchants us with his homemade Hungarian goulash. Jan lives with his wife and 3 children near Potsdam and takes care of PR, external communication and is our managing director.

Fabian Wagner

Once Fabian gets going, there's no stopping his creativity. He likes to take the reins and carries everyone away with his harmonious and likeable manner. Fabian lives in Berlin with his wife and three children. Although he can negotiate charmingly, he supports in purchasing and logistics.

Jithin Joseph

Jithin is our creative tech head and leads our online marketing at Manuyoo. If there is something to do, he immediately rolls up his sleeves and gets to work. He works tirelessly in every free minute and creates texts for our social media channels. Jithin comes from India and works in Berlin.

Lerato Manatsa

Lerato is an entrepreneur through and through. In addition to her studies as an agricultural economist, she also founded a company. She brings with her a broad network, many inspiring ideas and, if necessary, razor-sharp arguments. Anyone who goes against her in a pitching contest doesn't stand a chance when she's passionate about the things she cares about. She lives and studies in Berlin.

Sandy Biró

Sandy is our golden angel! With her unique empathetic nature, she enchants and motivates the entire team to achieve top performance. She not only contributes to strategy and organizational development, but also has a strong focus on ecological and social sustainability when scouting new products. Sandy lives with her boyfriend in Stuttgart, the capital of the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg.

Winfried Breitinger

Winfried is our good soul and a precision clockwork. When everyone is fed up with letters and numbers, he really blossoms and is always there. He is our backbone and always has an open ear for everyone. His goal is to travel a lot and get to know different cultures. Winfried lives in Berlin with his wife and two adult children and takes care of finances and legal matters.